Several weeks ago, when Winter was still prising his icy fingers under our rickety door, a packet of fairy goodness flew all the way over from Canada. Now, the delightful Fairy Gazette is published by Templar - but MY fairy gazettes are oh-so-special limited little limited editions, hand bound and signed by their creators and in that respect, they are priceless. And quite beautiful.

My favourite aspect of them - apart from the gorgeous colouring - is the 'advertising'. Utterly charming -

I am delighted that both Frances and Avril have started blogs - 'Fairy Lanterns' and 'Over the Garden Wall'. I can think of many fellow bloggers who will love their gentle ways, and I'm so glad to have made their aquaintance - and urge my fellow fairy lovers to go and knock - quietly - at their door, to say hello and welcome. And a very big thank you to them both, from me, for their generous gift.

As for me - I am terribly dull, being halfway through a trade order. I am not going to make a habit of this, but this is for a very special company. Making (almost) identical models takes far longer than one-offs, but I am sure it is Good For Me. And looking forward to being able to spill the beans when it is all done and dusted.
The next four days are forecast to be full of another trio of slow-shaping lumps.

Now that I have finished my little band of dogs;-
I have to admit I'd rather be out here...

With this person...

...sat in the sun behind a drystone wall, with a simple picnic. Maybe I'm just getting lazy.
I took my web cam offline for a while, but it's back. If you would like to watch the craft equivalent of paint drying, I am at my desk most days. If you are not in the UK, but somewhere outlandish where time is different, then I will usually be shutting down for the night while you are sipping your morning coffee, or, contrawise, I will be main-lining my morning pot of tea, while you are deciding which pajamas to wear. Unless, of course, I have escaped to the great outdoors.